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Valid for Sitecore 5.2, 5.1.1
  Create a Master
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To create a new Master:

  1. Log in to the Sitecore Desktop on a development server as a user with appropriate permissions.
  2. In Template Manager, double-click on the Template which should be associated with the new Master.
  3. Select the Masters link (under the list of sections on the right).
  4. If Create a New Master is not visible, select View » Toolbar.
  5. Select Create a New Master.  Master names are visible to users and should be unique.
  6. Open Content Editor.
  7. Select Masters from the first entry in the treecrumb (the default selection is Content).
  8. Select the Master created above.
  9. Specify default values as would be done for an Item excepting the following:
    1. $name, $parentname, $id and $parentid will be expanded to appropriate values when a user creates an Item from the Master.
  10. The next step is to define where the master can be used.  This typically involves:
    1. Updating the Masters Section of any existing Masters for which new Items based on those Master should allow creation of Items of the type defined in the new Master.
  11. Update the Masters Section of existing Items in the Content section to allow creation of Items based on this Master.

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